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Far Rockaway, NY

Arverne East will be the first, large scale, highly resilient/ sustainable energy coastline community built in the USA. The tri-venture team of The Bluestone Organization, L+M Equity Development Partners Inc., and Triangle Equities working in a public/private partnership with the New York Department of Housing Preservation Development has planned a visionary development on an 80+ acre site on the Rockaway Peninsula that is the largest undeveloped coastline parcel in NYC. Plans call for 1,500 residential units, 150,000 SF of community retail and restaurants, a large nature preserve and a nature preserve visitor’s center.

Utilizing a combination of renewable energy production systems (solar and wind), the plan is to create a safe haven for both the new community and the surrounding, existing neighborhoods at large.

The importance of coastal resiliency is abundantly clear in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, and the construction of a resiliency preserve will ensure that the Rockaway peninsula area, vulnerable to flooding from bay and sea storm surges, ground water liquefaction and surface rain, is well protected against future super storms.
